the versatile blogger award

Martha, from the lovely colours and curves awarded me the 'versatile blogger award' for the second year running actually! Last year I didn't really do much with it but this time I'm trying to be better at blogging, in the hope it will become something impressive to put on my CV, and so I'm going to do it right this time. 

seven interesting things? I'm really not that interesting...

• I spent two years of my life serving fruit and vegetables at a grotty market in Preston
• I couldn't sleep without sniffing Sandy my teddy bear.
• I am OBSESSED with elephants!
• I'm allergic to bees, one stung me a week before my prom on my foot and I couldn't wear my shoes! )':
• When I grow up, I want to interview lots of amazing and inspiring people.
• I drink more-than-I-should cups of coffee a day.
• I believe in following dreams (so cheesy, but so so true)

And now for seven blogs I like, I'm not going to post the obvious ones, as I'm pretty sure everyone follows them, but...

Cat - For the grungie/rock girl in all of us.
Louise - For her sweet tales that uplift me when I read her posts.
Jade - For a genuine laugh, I find some things she says hilarious.
Danielle - For her inspiring weight improvement, genuinely so in awe of her achievements
Beth - For staying always so polite which a-lot of bloggers lose when they gain in popularity.
Milly - For the best reviews in the blogosphere.
• Sarah  -  For her quirky style and beautiful pictures.

It was really hard picking these actually, but each has their own individual quality for which I really love reading their blogs.
Hope you like them too! 


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