I'm Lizzie, and this is my blog 'by Elizabeth'. I'm 20 and I'm from Preston, England. I study Broadcast Journalism at Huddersfield University and I'm about to go into my final year. I often change this blog and can go from having hundreds of post one day and then deleting them all the next, that's because I'm changing and growing, and sometimes, my blog just needs to catch up.
I'm an optimist, and constantly smiling. I believe in hard work and a glass of something sweet to keep me going.
I originally started this blog so that I had something to write on my university application, but since then I've really enjoyed having a place to come to blab my thoughts. Blogging is my escape, which is strange to say because I blog about my life, but regardless, it's where I come to take an hour out from my often busy schedule and just write for the love of writing.
My friends, family, teddy-bear and boyfriend are the most important things to me. Oh and I have a weird obsession with elephants.
Follow me if you wish, I would love that.
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