she don't wanna go steady

I bought these boots a couple of weeks ago from NEWLOOK and I've honestly not stopped wearing them; telling you that they're the most comfortable shoe's I have ever worn would be possibly the biggest lie I could tell, they are possibly THE most uncomfortable things I have ever set foot in. However...LOOK HOW PRETTY!!!

They remind me a little of the TOPSHOP Allegras but at a MASSIVE discount price, I suppose comfort is what I have had to sacrifice. The original RRP for the boots was a lovely £19.99 but thanks to student discount, I managed to lower the price to £14.99 -even more kind to my bank account! which ~ahem~ is currently taking a massive hit thanks to all my driving lessons! How could I ever say no? really!

These little beauties have worked their way into almost all of my outfits and they make each one look so much more chic ~ cringe, 'chic' is such a mum word. I really do feel much more high class when they feature on my feet (hooker innuendo lulz) so much so, that the ebony suedette's have found a permanent space in my wardrobe...(and my heart.)

~ will probs have to buy a cushion for the ball of my foot though, major death to my feet otherwise...

Hope you're having a lovely week, sorry I haven't updated I've been so busy recently, lots of deadlines and being stressed doesn't leave much time for bloggig, will fill you all in later (':



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